Parmi les nombreux fêtes Corses, Noël occupe une place particulière .
C'est un rendez-vous familial qui n'a rien perdu de sa convivialité et de ses rites ancestraux, tous les ingrédients d'un vrai Noël Corse.
Toute la famille est réunie au village. Dans la maison des anciens, l'ambiance est joyeuse. Un arbre décoré, une bonne odeur de cuisine et des rires à l'étage annoncent la fête à venir.
Sur la table, jambon (prisuttu) et figatellu ouvriront les festivités. leurs succéderont ,agneau rôti, polenta , fromage, châtaignes grillées et bûche, canitrelli dans la soirée bien avancée. Demain matin, en respectant la tradition collective, chaque famille ramassera des braises dans le grand feu de joie du village, et l'a mêlera à celle de leur foyer.
A Christmas Corsica, which brings together all generations.
Among many festivals Corsicans, Christmas holds a special place as Easter is a family appointment that has not lost flavors of yesteryear food, friendliness and ancestral rites are the ingredients of a true Christmas Corse.
Al the family is reunited in the village. In the house, the atmosphere is joyful. A decorated tree, a good smell of cooking and laughter upstairs announce the feast to come.
Of course, times have changed since the wake experienced by the village elders, children enjoyed their home comfort small, but was a real place where family lived together several générations.
On the table, ham (prisuttu) and figatellu open the festivities. their successors roast lamb and polenta, cheese and chestnuts, canistrelli to the log. Tomorrow morning, respecting the collective tradition, each family will pick up some great bonfire embers in the village, to the mix, that of their fireplace.
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